Activate Whatsapp Free Calling Feature Here For Android and Blackberry 10 Phone Users


For sometime now, there has been speculations as to how to activate whatsapp free calling feature using the manual process but they were too complicated and none worked for me and i decided not to post it or say anything about it. Few weeks back, whatsapp introduced the whatsapp Web feature which allows you chats using whatsapp on your computer without third party software. When that feature was newly launched, it was only available on Google Chrome browser. Few weeks after, whatsapp Web could be used on mobile Firefox.
whatsapp calling feature now available for android and blackberry 10 phones
On those posts, we made mention of the fact that whatsapp free call feature will soon be introduced and yes, that has actually come to realization.
Whatsapp Free Calling Feature Available For Android and BB10 Phones?
Yes! If you are using a blackberry 10 phone or an android phone, you can actually make free calls to your contacts using whatsapp and this has been confirmed by myself and other friends I helped in activating theirs around me.
But Why Can’t I Find The Call Feature On My Whatsapp?
If that’s the question on your mind, it’s actually a good one. Pending when the feature will be officially available on both cross platform without activation required, the only way to activating this is by receiving a whatsapp call from someone who is already activated.
What that means is, someone whose whatsapp has already been activated with the free calling feature would have to call you before your own whatsapp app can be activated for calling.
How Do I Activate My whatsapp App For Free Calls?
Since I already got mine activated and I have also helped a few friends around me in activating theirs, I’d like to also help my readers in activating theirs.
See below, that’s a screen shot of the whatsapp calling feature working on my whatsapp android app.
whatsapp call feature on bb10 and android
==> Make sure you are using the latest version of whatsapp on your blackberry 10 or Android phone. For Android users, you can confirm via the Google Play store while for blackberry users, you can confirm using the latest version via the blackberry world app.
==> Make sure your phone is Internet enabled and then, post your whatsapp phone number using the comment form so that myself or anyone who has got the whatsapp calling feature activated, will call you using whatsapp so yours will be activated too.
Please note, Just calling won’t get your whatsapp activated. You have to receive the call.
So, start posting your active whatsapp numbers using the comment form below so we could get you activated to using whatsapp free calls and please show love by liking and sharing this post using the like or share buttons.

Ige victor

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.